Kod | 24550309-KRK |
Jednostka organizacyjna | Wydział Filozofii i Nauk Społecznych |
Kierunek studiów | Cognitive Science |
Forma studiów | stacjonarne |
Poziom kształcenia | Drugiego stopnia |
Profil studiów | ogólnoakademicki |
Języki wykładowe | angielski |
Limit miejsc | 20 |
Czas trwania | 2 lata (4 semestry) |
Wymagany dokument | |
Zadaj pytanie |
Eligibility criteria
Bachelor, Master or equivalent degree awarded in any field entitling the candidate to undertake master level education (with apostille or legalized)
Qualification principles
Selective/competitive admission based on diploma grades/scores. The candidate can be awarded up to 100 points.
Candidates holding a diploma in the field of Cognitive Science, Biology, Mathematics, Psychology, Physics, Linguistics, whose final result is equivalent to Polish “dobry”, will be awarded maximum points. The Faculty reserves the right to use weighted average points awarded (according to the transcript of results) as an additional criteria. Candidates are obliged to enclose a transcript of records from the university.
The admission result (W) is calculated according to the following formula and amounts to maximum of 100 points:
W=35Wo -75
Wo is:
- for graduates of study programmes who were required to defend a diploma thesis and passed a diploma exam:
Wo = 0,6 W1 + 0,2 W2 + 0,2 W3 | Converter |
W1 - arithmetic mean of all the grades from transcript | 0,6 |
W2 - diploma exam grade | 0,2 |
W3 - diploma thesis grade | 0,2 |
- for graduates of study programmes who passed a diploma exam
Wo = 0,75W1 +0,25W2 | Converter |
W1 - arithmetic mean of all the grades from transcript | 0,75 |
W2 - diploma exam grade | 0,25 |
Required documents
Programme description
General Admission Information