Fizjoterapia (sj) - studia anglojęzyczne

W mocy od: 1 marca 2020

Zasady kwalifikacji

Eligibility criteria

Application process is open to candidates who hold the following:

  1. a secondary school leaving certificate or an equivalent document entitling the holder to apply to study at any type of higher education institution in accordance with applicable regulations in force in the country of origin of the candidate,
  2. one subject listed in their secondary school leaving certificate out of the following: Biology, Chemistry, Physics.


Qualification principles

Candidates are qualified on the basis of an admission interview conducted in English.

The interview in English aims to assess the candidate’s motivation to study physiotherapy, their experience in working for aid organisations, as well as their interpersonal and communication skills.

The admission interview is evaluated using the scale of 0 to 100 points.

A minimum of 60 points must be obtained in the admission interview in order to become admitted to the study programme.