Recruitment for a doctoral school in the main mode (2024/25)

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Education in Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences - Academia Scientiarum Thoruniensis

Organizational unit Doctoral School of Science and Natural Sciences - Academia Scientiarum Thoruniensis
Area/discipline Veterinary Medicine, Mathematics, Life Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Physical Sciences, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Astronomy
Form of studies Full-time
Level of education Doctoral School
Language(s) of instruction English, Polish
Admission limit 22
Duration 4 years
Recruitment committee address ul. Grudziądzka 5, 87-100 Toruń
WWW address
Required document
  • Document confirming higher education (Master's degree)
  Ask a question
There is currently no active phase.

Past phases in this registration:
  • Phase 1 (10.06.2024 00:00 – 24.06.2024 23:59)

General information

The Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in exact and natural sciences in the disciplines of astronomy, mathematics, biological sciences, chemical sciences, physical sciences, earth and environmental sciences, also known as Academia Scientiarum Thoruniensis (AST) was established on 15 May 2019 by the regulation No. 67/2019/164of the NCU Rector.


The Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences provides 6-8 semesters for the implementation of the education program and individual research plan. The performance of the individual research plan is assessed by the commission on a mid-term basis.

The aim of education at the Doctoral School is to provide students with specialist knowledge in exact and natural sciences, conduct research and teaching activities, prepare a doctoral dissertation and obtain a doctoral degree.

Education at the AST Doctoral School offers classes in the form of specialist monograph lectures, courses and internships aimed at improving doctoral students' skills in teaching at universities and obtaining grants, conducting workshops and specialist seminars. An integral part of the training is to implement research within the framework of a doctoral project selected from a published list.

Courses are divided into modules:

  1. Basic courses / 210 hours / 21 ECTS
  2. Professional development courses / 70+60 =130 hours / 8 ECTS
  3. Specialist courses / 30 hours/ 2 ECTS

Some courses are interdisciplinary.

The implementation of a selected doctoral project in one of the school’s disciplines is an integral part of education at the AST. The project is carried out according to an individual research plan under the direction of a supervisor (or supervisors).

A mid-term assessment is conducted in the middle of the four-year education period in accordance with the Act on Higher Education and Science, the framework of which is defined both in the Act and in the Rules of Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences. The School education program and the description of learning outcomes are based on the characteristics of the second degree for qualifications at level 8 of the Polish Qualification Framework, specified in the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of November 14, 2018 on the characteristics of the second degree of learning outcomes for qualifications at levels 6-8 of the Polish Qualification Framework (Dz.U. 2018, item 2218).

The AST graduate will acquire specialist knowledge of their discipline and other disciplines of exact and natural sciences and will have skills in conducting scientific and teaching activities. The graduate will gain specialist training under the supervision of distinguished scientists, will be prepared to obtain the degree of doctor, and take up independent scientific and teaching work at universities or institutes in Poland and abroad.

The AST graduates will be awarded doctoral degrees in their disciplines in accordance with the rules and powers granted to respective Discipline Councils at the Nicolaus Copernicus University.   

Resolution No. 18 of the Senate of the Nicolaus Copernicus University of April 25, 2023 on the framework education programs in Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences




Recruitment schedule 

  • registration via the IRK website (NCU online application system): 10 - 24 June 2024
  • submitting documents: 17 June - 3 July 2024
  • interviews: 8 - 16 July 2024
  • publication of the results of the recruitment procedure: 19 July 2024



Recruitment procedure in main mode

Recruitment procedure

One-stage procedure based on the selection of a doctoral project from the published list which got qualified in Stage I - contest for projects.

The list of doctoral projects that may be undertaken at the AST School in 2021:

Note: The number of projects exceeds the number of places. Candidates will fill in the places allocated to disciplines according to the score from the ranking list. Places will also be allocated to the 4 best AST candidates not qualified under admission limits of respective disciplines. 

Language of recruitment procedure, including an interview

The language of the recruitment procedure is Polish or English as chosen by the candidate. If the Polish language is chosen, the selection procedure will include a part conducted in English. An online interview (videoconference) is allowed.

Recquired documents

The School candidate must register electronically via the IRK system (NCU online candidate registration system) at irk., submit documents listed in section 2 to the School Secretariat within the time limit specified in the regulation of the Rector. 

The School candidate may apply for admission only if the following documents are submitted within the time limit specified by the regulation of the Rector:

  • the application generated in the IRK system and signed by the candidate,
  • an academic curriculum vitae,
  • a letter of recommendation in English stating explicitly the preferences in the selection of a project or doctoral projects from the list published on the School's website and indicating the discipline in which the doctoral dissertation will be implemented,
  • a copy of the diploma of completion of the second-cycle or long-cycle Master’s degree programme (or an equivalent diploma) or a photocopy of such a copy certified by Nicolaus Copernicus University or a declaration of the candidate on the planned date of obtaining the diploma of completion of the second-cycle or long-cycle Master’s degree programme not later than 15 September of a given calendar year,
  • abstract of the master’s thesis in English (or equivalent document) and copies of any publications,
  • a document confirming the command of English at the level of at least B2 or a document confirming the completion of the first-cycle or second-cycle studies delivered in English,
  • 3 current photographs (including one in an electronic form, which the candidate uploads into the IRK system) compliant with the requirements applied for issuing ID cards,
  • a declaration that the candidate will be a doctoral student of only one doctoral school in case of admission to the School.

The candidate may optionally attach two letters of recommendation to the application.

The candidate may select a maximum of two doctoral projects from the list published in a given year. If more than one project is selected, the cover letter should contain the candidate's ranking of projects. The first ranked project is the main project of the candidate.

Assessment criteria

1.  Interview 60
2. Scientific achievements, including publications *) 15
3.  Participation in scientific projects  5
4.  Awards and scholarships    5
5.  The average grade obtained during studies  15
  Sum 100

*) In the case of multi-author achievements, it is necessary to determine the percentage share of the candidate in publication.

Recruitment schedule:

  • registration via the IRK website (NCU online application system): 21 - 28 June 2021
  • submission of documents: 24 – 30 June 2021
  • interviews: 5 - 12 July 2021
  • announcement of results: 15 July 2021

The interview with the candidate

The interview includes the following elements:

  • the interview on the candidate’s master’s thesis, understanding of the subject, research hypotheses, its implementation, results and conclusions to be obtained,
  • questions checking the candidate's motivation to work as a researcher under a selected project,
  • short questions concerning rules, phenomena, statements, and principles relating to the chosen doctorate subject, the candidate’s scientific achievements, and/or questions concerning the course of studies.

Interview dates

Interviews are arranged individually by e-mail and held on Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics NCU, Toruń, Grudziądzka 5.