Education in Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences - Academia Scientiarum Thoruniensis

In power from: 14 Jun 2019

Registration criteria

Recruitment procedure in main mode

Recruitment procedure

One-stage procedure based on the selection of a doctoral project from the published list which got qualified in Stage I - contest for projects.

The list of doctoral projects that may be undertaken at the AST School in 2021:

Note: The number of projects exceeds the number of places. Candidates will fill in the places allocated to disciplines according to the score from the ranking list. Places will also be allocated to the 4 best AST candidates not qualified under admission limits of respective disciplines. 

Language of recruitment procedure, including an interview

The language of the recruitment procedure is Polish or English as chosen by the candidate. If the Polish language is chosen, the selection procedure will include a part conducted in English. An online interview (videoconference) is allowed.

Recquired documents

The School candidate must register electronically via the IRK system (NCU online candidate registration system) at irk., submit documents listed in section 2 to the School Secretariat within the time limit specified in the regulation of the Rector. 

The School candidate may apply for admission only if the following documents are submitted within the time limit specified by the regulation of the Rector:

The candidate may optionally attach two letters of recommendation to the application.

The candidate may select a maximum of two doctoral projects from the list published in a given year. If more than one project is selected, the cover letter should contain the candidate's ranking of projects. The first ranked project is the main project of the candidate.

Assessment criteria

1.  Interview 60
2. Scientific achievements, including publications *) 15
3.  Participation in scientific projects  5
4.  Awards and scholarships    5
5.  The average grade obtained during studies  15
  Sum 100

*) In the case of multi-author achievements, it is necessary to determine the percentage share of the candidate in publication.

Recruitment schedule:

The interview with the candidate

The interview includes the following elements:

Interview dates

Interviews are arranged individually by e-mail and held on Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics NCU, Toruń, Grudziądzka 5.